About MenuInspector:
MenuInspector is a logging software that dynamically creates a data base of menu hierarchies of all the applications you use on your Mac computer. MenuInspector has been developed for 100% research purposes.
How to install and run MenuInspector:
You must have a mac computer running Mac OS 10.7 or later in order to use this software. You just have to download the MenuInspector setup and drag and drop the .app file it contains into your application folder.
Run MenuInspector.app.
That’s it! It’s running and updating the data base.
How to use MenuInspector:
Once started, you do not have to do anything else. MenuInspector appears as a status bar item (MI) in the top-right of your screen, as you can see below:

If you click on Reveal log file... you can reveal the actual data base if you want to open them and perform operations on it.
** Menu DataBase **
Database created using MenuInspector and containing detailed menu hierarchies from over 60 Mac OS X applications.

Menu Database
** MenuExplorer **
MenuExplorer is a tool for visualizing menu structures. It loads a MenuInspector database of menus (.xml) and displays an unfolded view of each menu. MenuExplorer has been written in C++/QT and has been tested on MAC OS X.

Menu Explorer
** Associations **
The following association script, written in C++ and Qt identifies and captures all the associations between items.

Association Script
Using the above mentioned Menu Database with this association script, we’ve created the following resulting csv file contains more than 100 000 command associations. The first column is the name of the first command, the second the name of the second command, and the last column is the distance between these two commands.

** MenuName **
Finally, the following file associates with each command the corresponding menu name.

Related publications:
- Bailly G., Malacria S. (2014) MenuInspector : Outil pour l'Analyse des Menus et Cas d'Étude. In Proc. of IHM ’14. ACM Press. - pdf
- Bailly G., Oulasvirta A., Koetzing T., Hoppe S. (2014) MenuOptimizer: Interactive Optimization of Menu Systems. In Proc. of UIST ’14. ACM Press. - pdf
- Malacria S., Bailly G., Harrisson J., Cockburn A., Gutwin C. (2013) Promoting Hotkey Use through Rehearsal with ExposeHK. In Proc. of CHI ’13. ACM Press. - pdf
- Roy Q., Malacria S., Lecolinet E., Guiard Y., Eagan J. (2013) Augmented Letters: Mnemonic Gesture-Based Shortcuts. In Proc. of CHI ’13. ACM Press. - pdf